Saturday, January 4, 2014

Nucleation ????

Blog brilliant Fing Idea #2.  

Nucleating beer mugs.  A buddy of mine was explaining how to wash a beer mug or glass for nucleation.....even though he didnt explain what it was, or how it works........ in my mind, i called bullshit on this, so went on a search for knowledge.

Apparently, gasses such as CO2 like to build on imperfections in their container, and then release !  Its part of what makes mentos and diet coke such a wonderful mix :)    The benefit to beer ?  increased and longer enduring head, and release of the aromas !!!   Of course on beers that produce poor heads, it wont be a game changer in experience, in fact, it may just go flat faster.  It will inflate the experience of a quality beer however !

So, being a beer mug artist/ etcher, i think it would be WONDERFUL to make a nucleated beer mug, and of course an added selling point.  Some of the public breweries even have their own pint glasses for this, with their logos and what have you, of course, mass produced, and uninspiring.

Experiments are in progress, first with using a diamond bit......... which failed miserably, as the co2 that was in my sparkling apple cider actually seemed to avoid the areas i etched it.   I am thinking its due to the score being too dramatic, so i have one other option until i have to let it be only to the money people with their laser engravers.......... round two will commence soon......... or perhaps a control test of an unetched glass should be in order first....... perhaps i did nucleate and just dont know it !!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you don't want a dirty class causing the nucleation spots.
